Articles | Volume 7, issue 4
Research article
13 Jul 2022
Research article |  | 13 Jul 2022

High-resolution offshore wind resource assessment at turbine hub height with Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data and machine learning

Louis de Montera, Henrick Berger, Romain Husson, Pascal Appelghem, Laurent Guerlou, and Mauricio Fragoso


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Short summary
A novel method for estimating offshore wind resources at turbine hub height with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites is presented. The machine learning algorithm uses as input geometrical parameters of the SAR sensors and parameters related to atmospheric stability. It is trained with Doppler wind lidar vertical profiles. The extractable wind power accuracy up to 200 m is within 3 %, and SAR can resolve the coastal wind gradient, unlike the Weather Research and Forecasting numerical mode.
Final-revised paper