Articles | Volume 7, issue 1
Research article
07 Feb 2022
Research article |  | 07 Feb 2022

Alignment of scanning lidars in offshore wind farms

Andreas Rott, Jörge Schneemann, Frauke Theuer, Juan José Trujillo Quintero, and Martin Kühn

Data sets

Data supplement for "Alignment of scanning lidars in offshore wind farms" - Wind Energy Science Journal Andreas Rott, Jörge Schneemann, Frauke Theuer, and Stephan Stone

Model code and software

AndreasRott/Alignment_of_scanning_lidars_in_offshore_wind_farms: Version1.0 Andreas Rott, Jörge Schneemann, and Frauke Theuer

Short summary
We present three methods that can determine the alignment of a lidar placed on the transition piece of an offshore wind turbine based on measurements with the instrument: a practical implementation of hard targeting for north alignment, a method called sea surface levelling to determine the levelling of the system from water surface measurements, and a model that can determine the dynamic levelling based on the operating status of the wind turbine.
Final-revised paper