Articles | Volume 7, issue 2
Research article
25 Mar 2022
Research article |  | 25 Mar 2022

Wake properties and power output of very large wind farms for different meteorological conditions and turbine spacings: a large-eddy simulation case study for the German Bight

Oliver Maas and Siegfried Raasch

Data sets

Wake properties and power output of very large wind farms in the German Bight Oliver Maas and Siegfried Raasch

Model code and software

PALM Model System Leibniz Universität Hannover

Short summary
In the future there will be very large wind farm clusters in the German Bight. This study investigates how the wind field is affected by these very large wind farms and how much energy can be extracted by the wind turbines. Very large wind farms do not only reduce the wind speed but can also cause a change in wind direction or temperature. The extractable energy per wind turbine is much smaller for large wind farms than for small wind farms due to the reduced wind speed inside the wind farms.
Final-revised paper