Articles | Volume 7, issue 2
Research article
14 Apr 2022
Research article |  | 14 Apr 2022

Evaluation of the global-blockage effect on power performance through simulations and measurements

Alessandro Sebastiani, Alfredo Peña, Niels Troldborg, and Alexander Meyer Forsting

Data sets

Data from simulations of five wind turbines in a row to evaluate the global-blockage effect on power performance Alessandro Sebastiani, Alfredo Peña Diaz, Niels Troldborg, and Alexander Meyer Forsting

Short summary
The power performance of a wind turbine is often tested with the turbine standing in a row of several wind turbines, as it is assumed that the performance is not affected by the neighbouring turbines. We test this assumption with both simulations and measurements, and we show that the power performance can be either enhanced or lowered by the neighbouring wind turbines. Consequently, we also show how power performance testing might be biased when performed on a row of several wind turbines.
Final-revised paper