Articles | Volume 8, issue 12
Research article
20 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 20 Dec 2023

Free-vortex models for wind turbine wakes under yaw misalignment – a validation study on far-wake effects

Maarten J. van den Broek, Delphine De Tavernier, Paul Hulsman, Daan van der Hoek, Benjamin Sanderse, and Jan-Willem van Wingerden

Data sets

Data underlying the publication: Free-vortex models for wind turbine wakes under yaw misalignment – a validation study on far-wake effects Daan van der Hoek et al.

Data Supplement for ’Curled Wake Development of a Yawed Wind Turbine at Turbulent and Sheared Inflow’ – Wind Energy Science Journal Paul Hulsman et al.

Simulation data and code underlying the publication: Free-vortex models for wind turbine wakes under yaw misalignment – a validation study on far-wake effects Maarten J. van den Broek

Model code and software

Simulation data and code underlying the publication: Free-vortex models for wind turbine wakes under yaw misalignment – a validation study on far-wake effects Maarten J. van den Broek

Short summary
As wind turbines produce power, they leave behind wakes of slow-moving air. We analyse three different models to predict the effects of these wakes on downstream wind turbines. The models are validated with experimental data from wind tunnel studies for steady and time-varying conditions. We demonstrate that the models are suitable for optimally controlling wind turbines to improve power production in large wind farms.
Final-revised paper