Articles | Volume 9, issue 1
Research article
02 Feb 2024
Research article |  | 02 Feb 2024

Optimal position and distribution mode for on-site hydrogen electrolyzers in onshore wind farms for a minimal levelized cost of hydrogen (LCoH)

Thorsten Reichartz, Georg Jacobs, Tom Rathmes, Lucas Blickwedel, and Ralf Schelenz

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Short summary
The production of green hydrogen from wind power is a promising approach to store energy from renewable energy sources. This work proposes a method to optimize the design of wind–hydrogen systems for onshore wind farms in order to achieve the lowest hydrogen cost. Therefore, the electrolyzer position and the optimal hydrogen transport mode are calculated specifically for a wind farm site. This results in a reduction of up to 10 % of the hydrogen production cost.
Final-revised paper