25 Nov 2020
 | 25 Nov 2020
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal WES but the revision was not accepted.

Skewing angle magnet and coil reduced starting torque in a permanent magnet synchronous generator for a small vertical axis wind turbine

Priwan Pongwan, Kusumal Chalermnayanont, Mintra Trongtorkarn, Suppachai Jina, and Montri Luengchavanon

Abstract. This work investigated the effects of changing the skewing angle of a magnet coil on starting torque in a permanent magnet generator (PMSG) fitted in a low speed vertical wind turbine. The optimal skew angle of the magnet-coil was found to be 15–0 (degrees), generating 1.22 (N-m) starting torque and 295.40 (W) compared with a skew angle of 0–0 (degrees). This skew angle reduced starting torque and power by 5.43 % and 1.96 %, respectively. A Savonius and H-Darrieus stacked turbine blade operated at a wind speed of 1.90 m/s and 1.31 N-m torque. This blade was used in a fully operational vertical wind turbine, was connected to the PMSG that can cut-in speed of 2.1 m/s. It was concluded that a 15–0 (degree) skewing angle magnet-coil can be applied to a low speed vertical wind turbine.

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Priwan Pongwan, Kusumal Chalermnayanont, Mintra Trongtorkarn, Suppachai Jina, and Montri Luengchavanon
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Priwan Pongwan, Kusumal Chalermnayanont, Mintra Trongtorkarn, Suppachai Jina, and Montri Luengchavanon
Priwan Pongwan, Kusumal Chalermnayanont, Mintra Trongtorkarn, Suppachai Jina, and Montri Luengchavanon


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Short summary
The Savonius and H-Darrieus stacked blade can be operated at a wind speed of 1.90 m/s and torque of 1.31 N-m under no-load. We demonstrated that a PMSG electrical generator is able to generate a high starting torque; which is not typical of low speed wind turbines. Using the PMSG with a skewing angle magnet-coil of 15–0 degrees in combination with the blade, the cut-in was found to be at 2.1 m/s in a fully operational vertical wind turbine.