the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Artificial hard-substrate colonisation in the offshore Hywind Scotland Pilot Park
Malin Tivefälth
Iris Duranović
Svante Martinsson
Ane Kjølhamar
Kari Mette Murvoll
- Final revised paper (published on 04 Apr 2022)
- Supplement to the final revised paper
- Preprint (discussion started on 10 Nov 2021)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on wes-2021-123', Joop W.P. Coolen, 17 Dec 2021
I read the manuscript with interest. It is a desciptive text presenting the various species and communities on floating offshore wind structures. As this is the first study performed on this type of installation I believe the manuscript is worth publication. However, I am missing multiple elements I consider essential in a paper like this and I suggest the authors revise their manuscript following the comments below.
I would like to stress the importance of publication of data like the data this paper is based on, please publish the raw data together with the manuscript.Introduction
The short introduction is clear and to the point. I would welcome some thoughts in the introduction on why the aims under 1.1 are interesting to study? Do you expect differences between FOWF and standard OWF? Perhaps due to the floating and lack of tidal zonation?
The technical report by Vattenfall 2006 is often cited in the first paragraphs (as are some other technical reports later on). Although much information is in this report, multiple peer reviewed scientific publications are out there that describe similar effects and show patterns on multiple wind farms. I suggest the authors include these newer publications instead of the Vattenfall report. e.g.
Bergman, M.J.N., Ubels, S.M., Duineveld, G.C.A., Meesters, E.W.G., 2015. Effects of a 5-year trawling ban on the local benthic community in a wind farm in the Dutch coastal zone. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72, 962–972.
And some of the papers in the special issue in Oceanography
And the long list of publications from Belgium, such as Degrear et al 2020 instead of the technical report Degraer 2019. Degraer, S., Carey, D., Coolen, J.W.P., Hutchison, Z., Kerckhof, F., Rumes, B., Vanaverbeke, J., 2020. Offshore Wind Farm Artificial Reefs Affect Ecosystem Structure and Functioning: A Synthesis. Oceanography 33, 48–57.
2 Methods
The methods are mostly clear, although I am confused about the different surveys. The figures included important as this novel energy system is not common yet and I needed the figures to understand all the components. Please include a definition of all the EUNIS coding used in Fig 1, not only for the blue parts.
I am missing when (month + year please) the survey descibed in lines 65 - 75 was carried out and whether this survey was one of the two that were compared in lines 95 - 101.
L58, the anchor chains are connected to the turbine foundation, which is connected to the turbine, the latter I consider to be the large machine on top of the structure, not the whole structure.
L86 what do you mean by colonisation? The actual colonisation of the foundations by the species was not observed, was it? Perhaps you mean species presence? Of densities?
L90 I dont understand. In the lines above you state that fauna was counted, but here you state that fauna was scored presence absence. Many Epifouling species can be easily quantified as percentage covered.
L 95 - 101 which month of the year were these surveys carried out? And was it done using similar techniques as the other survey?Results
The results only include summary data in Table 1. Please also publish the raw data, e.g. as online supplement, as these type of data are often hard to attain for others and it will increase the citations of your paper.
Fig 5 please explain the difference between 'M senile and spirobranchun' and 'Spirobranchus and M senile'. Is this a dominance difference?
L 126 What is biofilm? I know biofilm as microbial layers but I imagine one cannot see this on the footage. I cannot properly see this in Fig 5 as the photo has a very low resolution, but the brown matter between the anemones in the second photo from the left appears as dense aggregations of Jassa spp (aka Jassa silk) or other ampipods. See for example
L 143 How did you test for significance of differences between the mooring lines? This is not described in the methods.
Figure 6 please include a size reference or a statement on the size of the chain linksL170 I dont understand, the overall change in faunal thickness has decreased? What does this mean? Did you mean that there was a decrease in thickness between the 2 years? So the change is negative?
The discussion presents several results that are not in the results section. These should be moved to results and only discussed, not presented (again).
L176 The starting statement is a result and should be presented there
L190 need a reference for your statement that S. spinulosa habitats are often associated with high faunal biodiversity
L192 need a reference for 'which could further benefit commercial fish species' and please elaborate on the benefit, how does this benefit commercial species?
L195 you are introducing new results in the discussion, these should be included in the results section, together with fig 9. At what depth was this recorded and what was the size?
Fig 9 where in the picture is the D pertusum colony? This round shape in the top middle? Indeed an atypical and very closed growth form. Please include a size reference
L205 - 207 some of these are not stated in the results, this should go to results section.L225 I dont understand how a floating structure can have an intertidal zone. Since it is floating the water surface is always at the same position on the structure, is it not?
L229 I am confused about teh intertidal zones in this line. What is the difference between low intertidal and deep intertidal?
L233 a difference is either significant or not, it cannot be significant enough. Probably you meant large enough?
L238 - 245 is a lot of information that should be in the results, new data is not expected in the discussion
L250-251 I disagree, figure 8 shows one large increase and multiple small decreases, most with a lot of variation, in all but 1 case I see zero is included in the mean +- SD interval, indicating that the differences are likely not significant, although the authors did not test for this. I suggest to state that variation is large but no clear pattern was observed, or actually test for differences between years and present the results.
L273 please publish the data with the paper as online supplement or place it in a open access repository. Available upon request is not ideal for long term availability.Line by line short comments
L37 Whomersley and Picken is not a publication of OWF
L44 please define FOWF at first use
L68 WROW should be WROV
L72 what was the speed of the slower speed?
L86 what is QC
L87-89 what software did you use for the viewing and registration?
L224 Whomersley and Picken is not about OWF
L227 Wilhelmsson and Malm, 2008 is not in the North Sea.
L290 Lengkeek is spelled wrongCitation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Rikard Karlsson, 12 Feb 2022
Dear reviewer,
We would like to thank you for your comments, we have addressed them accordingly. We have revised large sections of the manuscript, including an improved separation of the results and discussion. We have also added statistical testing of the 2018 and 2020 coverage and thickness data, and included a species list as a supplementary table. Below are responses to the specific comments:
- I would like to stress the importance of publication of data like the data this paper is based on, please publish the raw data together with the manuscript.
A species list is now available as a supplementary table.
- I would welcome some thoughts in the introduction on why the aims under 1.1 are interesting to study? Do you expect differences between FOWF and standard OWF? Perhaps due to the floating and lack of tidal zonation?
Additional rationale for the study has been added.
- I suggest the authors include these newer publications instead of the Vattenfall report. e.g. Bergman, M.J.N., Ubels, S.M., Duineveld, G.C.A., Meesters, E.W.G., 2015. Effects of a 5-year trawling ban on the local benthic community in a wind farm in the Dutch coastal zone. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72, 962–972. And some of the papers in the special issue in Oceanography And the long list of publications from Belgium, such as Degrear et al 2020 instead of the technical report Degraer 2019. Degraer, S., Carey, D., Coolen, J.W.P., Hutchison, Z., Kerckhof, F., Rumes, B., Vanaverbeke, J., 2020. Offshore Wind Farm Artificial Reefs Affect Ecosystem Structure and Functioning: A Synthesis. Oceanography 33, 48–57.
References have been updated.
- Please include a definition of all the EUNIS coding used in Fig 1, not only for the blue parts
The full EUNIS code names are now included in the figure description.
- I am missing when (month + year please) the survey descibed in lines 65 - 75 was carried out and whether this survey was one of the two that were compared in lines 95 - 101.
- L58, the anchor chains are connected to the turbine foundation, which is connected to the turbine, the latter I consider to be the large machine on top of the structure, not the whole structure.
"Turbine" has been revised to state "Turbine Substructure", unless referring to the complete turbine.
- L86 what do you mean by colonisation? The actual colonisation of the foundations by the species was not observed, was it? Perhaps you mean species presence? Of densities?
Updated to "initial coverage estimate".
- L90 I dont understand. In the lines above you state that fauna was counted, but here you state that fauna was scored presence absence. Many Epifouling species can be easily quantified as percentage covered.
This section has been re-written to be clearer. The coverage of each individual taxa was initially attempted but proved problematic as it was noted that several different taxa (often soft- and hard- growth taxa) occupied the same space, with hard growth taxa such as barnacles and encrusting tube worms occupying spaces in-between anemones. This could generally not be observed but for when, for example, an ROV thruster shifted the anemones' tentacles so that the underlying fauna could be observed.
- L95 - 101 which month of the year were these surveys carried out? And was it done using similar techniques as the other survey?
Amended. Yes, it was carried out using similar techniques, and this is now also included in the text.
- The results only include summary data in Table 1. Please also publish the raw data, e.g. as online supplement, as these type of data are often hard to attain for others and it will increase the citations of your paper
A species list is now available as a supplementary table.
- Fig 5 please explain the difference between 'M senile and spirobranchun' and 'Spirobranchus and M senile'. Is this a dominance difference?
Yes, the taxa mentioned first was the dominant taxa. This is now stated in the figure legend.
- L126 What is biofilm? I know biofilm as microbial layers but I imagine one cannot see this on the footage. I cannot properly see this in Fig 5 as the photo has a very low resolution, but the brown matter between the anemones in the second photo from the left appears as dense aggregations of Jassa spp (aka Jassa silk) or other ampipods. See for example https :// 88-1-fre-FR/Jassa_denombrement_my_02.jpg
The text has been revised. The biofilm referred to is the brown veneer often present in the zonation below the Mytilus and Laminaria/Phaeophyceae.
- L143 How did you test for significance of differences between the mooring lines? This is not described in the methods.
"Significant" has been replaced by "clear".
- Figure 6 please include a size reference or a statement on the size of the chain links
Scale bars have been added to appropriate figures.
- L170 I dont understand, the overall change in faunal thickness has decreased? What does this mean? Did you mean that there was a decrease in thickness between the 2 years? So the change is negative?
Yes, the thickness of growth has decreased for some of the structures. The section has been updated so to included statistical tests.
- The discussion presents several results that are not in the results section. These should be moved to results and only discussed, not presented (again).
- L176 The starting statement is a result and should be presented there
- L190 need a reference for your statement that S. spinulosa habitats are often associated with high faunal biodiversity
A reference has been added.
- L192 need a reference for 'which could further benefit commercial fish species' and please elaborate on the benefit, how does this benefit commercial species?
The sentence has been removed.
- L195 you are introducing new results in the discussion, these should be included in the results section, together with fig 9. At what depth was this recorded and what was the size?
The section has been split up, and parts have been moved to the Results section. The size of the colony (~20 cm) and the depth (73.5 m) have been added to the text.
- Fig 9 where in the picture is the D pertusum colony? This round shape in the top middle? Indeed an atypical and very closed growth form. Please include a size reference
Yes, the shape is atypical, but similarly shaped colonies have been observed on oil platforms. The colony is about 20 cm in diameter, this is now added to the text. There are two lasers, 10 cm apart in the figure, but they are unfortunately hard to see. A scale bar has been added to the figure.
- L205 - 207 some of these are not stated in the results, this should go to results section.
- L225 I dont understand how a floating structure can have an intertidal zone. Since it is floating the water surface is always at the same position on the structure, is it not?
The structures are anchored to the seabed using suction anchors and are attached to these by heavy chains. This results in an intertidal zone. However, the intertidal zone is likely reduced as compared to a non-floating structure.
- L229 I am confused about teh intertidal zones in this line. What is the difference between low intertidal and deep intertidal?
The sentence has been amended.
- L233 a difference is either significant or not, it cannot be significant enough. Probably you meant large enough?
- L238 - 245 is a lot of information that should be in the results, new data is not expected in the discussion
The text has been revised and split up between the Results and Discussion sections.
- L250-251 I disagree, figure 8 shows one large increase and multiple small decreases, most with a lot of variation, in all but 1 case I see zero is included in the mean +- SD interval, indicating that the differences are likely not significant, although the authors did not test for this. I suggest to state that variation is large but no clear pattern was observed, or actually test for differences between years and present the results
The section has been updated and statistical tests have been added.
- L273 please publish the data with the paper as online supplement or place it in a open access repository. Available upon request is not ideal for long term availability.
A species list is now available as a supplementary table.
- L37 Whomersley and Picken is not a publication of OWF
- L44 please define FOWF at first use
- L68 WROW should be WROV
- L72 what was the speed of the slower speed?
0.2 knots, the text has been revised.
- L86 what is QC
Quality control, the text has been revised.
- L87-89 what software did you use for the viewing and registration?
The section has been revised and additional information has been added.
- L224 Whomersley and Picken is not about OWF
- L227 Wilhelmsson and Malm, 2008 is not in the North Sea.
- L290 Lengkeek is spelled wrong
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Rikard Karlsson, 12 Feb 2022
RC2: 'Comment on wes-2021-123', Jørgen Hansen, 17 Jan 2022
Review of Karlsson et al. 2021
Dear Editor,
I have now reviewed the manuscript “Artificial hard substrate colonization in the offshore Hywind Scotland pilot park”. It is a study of the epifaunal colonization on the first floating windfarm “Hywind Scotland Pilot park” off Peters Head, Scotland. The methodology is based on underwater video recording using a ROV. The epifaunal community composition was analyzed on different parts of the floating structures together with anchors and with this high number of replicated observations, the authors describe the epifauna community composition, its depth zonation and discuss the similarity with other conventional windfarms and natural substrates in the area. The succession of the community is described from comparison between 2018 to 2020. The comparison between natural substrates and artificial substrates on other types of wind farms is important and relevant. However, the overarching problem is that these comparisons and generalizations in many cases are not supported by data, by the selection of data and the subsequent analyses as exemplified I the specific comments below. Critical information on methods, data and data analyses are missing in the MS.
As a conclusion publication of the manuscript cannot be recommended without major revision. I would also urge the authors to reconsider the focus of the MS and instead focusing on the observations (which should be documented in more details) and omit comparison if available data from natural substrates and other windfarms are not comparable. The below points may hopefully help identifying the weaknesses with the data presentation and analysis in order to revise the MS.
Specific comments
- 26-34 This an important issue and it would strengthen the point if more citations could be added here especially those from other than the industry
- 74 – 75 please specify distance to the structure or give a least a range
- 68 misspelling of WROV
- 86 colonization refer to a process – shouldn´t it be more specific like “coverage” or “state of colonization?
- 93 please explain why nudibranchs and gastropods were excluded how did you overall selected your list and what was the rationale?
- 97-98 wasn´t the data secured such that the same person could compare and analyze the data later to insure more comparable data in 2018 and 2020?
- 104. I would like to see the species list! I failed to find it in results or reference to an appendix!
- 107. Same as above “different species of crustacean”!
- 111. I would think the term “percent coverage” is better
- 112. Although -tidal depth ranges are well defined terms I find it a little bit odd to use these depth categories in relation to floating structures where indeed the organisms do not experience the consequences of tides (e.g. the Kelp is not exposed to diurnal desiccation, changing light levels etc.) I Suggest to use depth ranges in meters instead
- 130 Laminaria belong to the group of Phaeohyceae – should maybe be “Laminaria and other Phaeophyceae”
- 144 “no significant differences were noted on the mooring lines…” This is a statement that should certainly be substantiated with additional information. What parameter did you look at (e.g. communities, coverage, biomass, individual species, biodiversity indices…)? What was your data format? test used … etc.
l 168-172. This part is not clear. The part about the coverage is clear but information on how you have distinguished between soft and hard fauna is missing (what species belongs to which groups) especially since the 2018 survey was performed by non-specialist. How was thickness determined from the underwater video film? Again bear in mind, that although this can easily be done by non-specialist, data is still subjective and the data quality could therefore be improved if the same person did both year (whether specialist or not). Legends on figure 7 an 8 missing information about the years and how changes is defied (2018 vs 2020?).
- 175. Subheading should rather be “identification of species” as no non-indigenous species in fact was determined with certainty
- 176 – 178 should be under results!
- 193 - 197 This is a potential important finding, due to the threatened status of Desmophyllum, and I would recommend to contact external experts as you did with the Barnacles. A strong group I located just around the corner at Edinburg University.
- 215-216. If diversity “is lacking” there is either 0 or 1 species present! Better to write whether there was fauna at all. Did you quantify species richness or diversity at all? In case this should be described under methods and results. Better to delete this sentence
l.224 similar in what way?
L233. What do you mean by “not significant enough” if no statistical analysis was performed write instead “differences was not clear”
- 235 Different I what way?
- 239-241 How can you conclude the species succession follow the same trend as you have stated in the material and methods that only a few phyla was recorded by the non-specialists. Species succession implies that the relative contribution species to the community changes over time.
- 251 the information about the uncertain due to lack of consistent methodology should (as mentioned in the above several times) should be flagged up front in MS and it also concerns the above comments on succession.
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Rikard Karlsson, 12 Feb 2022
Dear reviewer,
We would like to thank you for your comments, we have addressed them accordingly. We revised large sections of the manuscript, including an improved separation of the results and discussion. We have also added statistical testing of the 2018 and 2020 coverage and thickness data and put more emphasis on the observations done within this study. Finally, we have included a species list as a supplementary table. Below are responses to the specific comments:
- 26-34 This an important issue and it would strengthen the point if more citations could be added here especially those from other than the industry
The section has been revised and additional references have been added.
- 74 – 75 please specify distance to the structure or give a least a range
Distances have been added to the text.
- 68 misspelling of WROV
- 86 colonization refer to a process – shouldn´t it be more specific like “coverage” or “state of colonization?
Updated to "initial coverage estimate".
- 93 please explain why nudibranchs and gastropods were excluded how did you overall selected your list and what was the rationale?
The text has been revised. It was eggs of nudibranchs and gastropods that were excluded.
- 97-98 wasn´t the data secured such that the same person could compare and analyze the data later to insure more comparable data in 2018 and 2020?
Unfortunately it was not feasible to have the 2018 data re-evaluated by the structural inspectors present during the 2020 survey.
- I would like to see the species list! I failed to find it in results or reference to an appendix!
A species list is now available as a supplementary table.
- Same as above “different species of crustacean”!
A species list is now available as a supplementary table.
- I would think the term “percent coverage” is better
- Although -tidal depth ranges are well-defined terms I find it a little bit odd to use these depth categories in relation to floating structures where indeed the organisms do not experience the consequences of tides (e.g. the Kelp is not exposed to diurnal desiccation, changing light levels etc.) I Suggest to use depth ranges in meters instead
The structures are anchored to the seabed using suction anchors and are attached to these by heavy chains. This results in an intertidal zone. However, intertidal zone is likely reduced as compared to a non-floating structure.
- 130 Laminaria belong to the group of Phaeohyceae – should maybe be “Laminaria and other Phaeophyceae”
- 144 “no significant differences were noted on the mooring lines…” This is a statement that should certainly be substantiated with additional information. What parameter did you look at (e.g. communities, coverage, biomass, individual species, biodiversity indices…)? What was your data format? test used … etc.
"Significant" has been replaced by "clear".
- 168-172. This part is not clear. The part about the coverage is clear but information on how you have distinguished between soft and hard fauna is missing (what species belongs to which groups) especially since the 2018 survey was performed by non-specialist. How was thickness determined from the underwater video film? Again bear in mind, that although this can easily be done by non-specialist, data is still subjective and the data quality could therefore be improved if the same person did both year (whether specialist or not). Legends on figure 7 an 8 missing information about the years and how changes is defied (2018 vs 2020?).
This section has been revised accordingly. New figures have been introduced and now include a T-test, conducted on the coverage and thickness data. Details on specific taxonomic groups with regards to hard and soft growth, respectively, are now included.
- 175. Subheading should rather be “identification of species” as no non-indigenous species in fact was determined with certainty
- 176 – 178 should be under results!
- 193 - 197 This is a potential important finding, due to the threatened status of Desmophyllum, and I would recommend to contact external experts as you did with the Barnacles. A strong group I located just around the corner at Edinburg University.
Advised experts agree that the colony is likely D. pertusum, but due to the small size and uncharacteristic appearance a positive identification would require close up imagery of the calyx using a stills camera. The text has been amended.
- 215-216. If diversity “is lacking” there is either 0 or 1 species present! Better to write whether there was fauna at all. Did you quantify species richness or diversity at all? In case this should be described under methods and results. Better to delete this sentence
The sentence has been revised.
- 224 similar in what way?
In regard to species composition and distribution. This text has been revised.
- What do you mean by “not significant enough” if no statistical analysis was performed write instead “differences was not clear”
- 235 Different I what way?
The text has been revised.
- 239-241 How can you conclude the species succession follow the same trend as you have stated in the material and methods that only a few phyla was recorded by the non-specialists. Species succession implies that the relative contribution species to the community changes over time.
The section has been revised, and together with the new section regarding changes in taxonomic composition between 2018 and 2020. We do believe that we can say that Hywind FOWF seems to follow the same pattern as other offshore structures in the North Sea. However, the limited taxonomical resolution should of course be considered.
- 251 the information about the uncertain due to lack of consistent methodology should (as mentioned in the above several times) should be flagged up front in MS and it also concerns the above comments on succession.
Information regarding inconsistencies between the years has been included in the Methodology section, as well as briefly in the Discussion section.
Peer review completion



