Articles | Volume 8, issue 12
Research article
06 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 06 Dec 2023

Quantifying the effect of low-frequency fatigue dynamics on offshore wind turbine foundations: a comparative study

Negin Sadeghi, Pietro D'Antuono, Nymfa Noppe, Koen Robbelein, Wout Weijtjens, and Christof Devriendt

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Analysis of long-term fatigue damage of four offshore wind turbines using 3 years of measurement data was performed  for the first time to gain insight into the low-frequency fatigue damage (LFFD) impact on overall consumed life. The LFFD factor depends on the (linear) stress–life (SN) curve slope, heading, site, signal, and turbine type. Up to ∼ 65 % of the total damage can be related to LFFDs. Therefore, in this case study, the LFFD effect has a significant impact on the final damage.
Final-revised paper