Articles | Volume 9, issue 6
Research article
26 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 26 Jun 2024

Assessing the impact of waves and platform dynamics on floating wind-turbine energy production

Alessandro Fontanella, Giorgio Colpani, Marco De Pascali, Sara Muggiasca, and Marco Belloli

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Wind Energ. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript under review for WES
Short summary
On the characteristics of the wake of a wind turbine undergoing large motions caused by a floating structure: an insight based on experiments and multi-fidelity simulations from the OC6 project Phase III
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Wind tunnel investigation of the aerodynamic response of two 15 MW floating wind turbines
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Cited articles

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Allen, C., Viselli, A., Dagher, H., Goupee, A., Gaertner, E., Abbas, N., Hall, M., and Barter, G.: UMaine VolturnUS-S Reference Platform, (last access: December 2023), 2023. a
Amaral, R., Laugesen, K., Masciola, M., von Terzi, D., Deglaire, P., and Viré, A.: A frequency-time domain method for annual energy production estimation in floating wind turbines, J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 2265, 042025,, 2022. a, b, c
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Short summary
Waves can boost a floating wind turbine's power output by moving its rotor against the wind. Studying this, we used four models to explore the impact of waves and platform dynamics on turbines in the Mediterranean. We found that wind turbulence, not waves, primarily affects power fluctuations. In real conditions, floating wind turbines produce less energy compared to fixed-bottom ones, mainly due to platform tilt.
Final-revised paper