Articles | Volume 9, issue 6
Research article
10 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 10 Jun 2024

An actuator sector model for wind power applications: a parametric study

Mohammad Mehdi Mohammadi, Hugo Olivares-Espinosa, Gonzalo Pablo Navarro Diaz, and Stefan Ivanell

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Cited articles

Asmuth, H., Navarro Diaz, G. P., Madsen, H. A., Branlard, E., Meyer Forsting, A. R., Nilsson, K., Jonkman, J., and Ivanell, S.: Wind Turbine Response in Waked Inflow: A Modelling Benchmark Against Full-Scale Measurements, SSRN Electron. J., 191, 868–887,, 2021. a, b
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Short summary
This paper has put forward a set of recommendations regarding the actuator sector model implementation details to improve the capability of the model to reproduce similar results compared to those obtained by an actuator line model, which is one of the most common ways used for numerical simulations of wind farms, while providing significant computational savings. This includes among others the velocity sampling method and a correction of the sampled velocities to calculate the blade forces.
Final-revised paper