Articles | Volume 8, issue 8
Research article
24 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 24 Aug 2023

Assessing lidar-assisted feedforward and multivariable feedback controls for large floating wind turbines

Feng Guo and David Schlipf

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Evaluation of lidar-assisted wind turbine control under various turbulence characteristics
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Thematic area: Dynamics and control | Topic: Wind turbine control
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Short summary
This paper assesses lidar-assisted collective pitch feedforward (LACPF) and multi-variable feedback (MVFB) controls for the IEA 15.0 MW reference turbine. The main contributions of this work include (a) optimizing a four-beam pulsed lidar for a large turbine, (b) optimal tuning of speed regulation gains and platform feedback gains for the MVFB and LACPF controllers, and (c) assessing the benefits of the two control strategies using realistic offshore turbulence spectral characteristics.
Final-revised paper