Articles | Volume 8, issue 7
Research article
18 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 18 Jul 2023

Modelling the impact of trapped lee waves on offshore wind farm power output

Sarah J. Ollier and Simon J. Watson

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Cited articles

Allaerts, D. and Meyers, J.: Boundary-layer development and gravity waves in conventionally neutral wind farms, J. Fluid Mech., 814, 95–130,, 2017a. 
Allaerts, D. and Meyers, J.: Gravity Waves and Wind-Farm Efficiency in Neutral and Stable Conditions, Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 166, 266–269,, 2017b. 
Allaerts, D. and Meyers, J.: Sensitivity and feedback of wind-farm-induced gravity waves, J. Fluid Mech., 862, 990–1028,, 2019. 
Allaerts, D., Broucke, S. Vanden, Van Lipzig, N., and Meyers, J.: Annual impact of wind-farm gravity waves on the Belgian-Dutch offshore wind-farm cluster, J. Phys.-Conf. Ser., 1037, 72006,, 2018. 
ANSYS Inc.: Ansys CFX-Solver Theory Guide, Release 2021 R2, Canonsburg, PA, p. 154, (last access: 11 July 2023), 2021. 
Short summary
This modelling study shows that topographic trapped lee waves (TLWs) modify flow behaviour and power output in offshore wind farms. We demonstrate that TLWs can substantially alter the wind speeds at individual wind turbines and effect the power output of the turbine and whole wind farm. The impact on wind speeds and power is dependent on which part of the TLW wave cycle interacts with the wind turbines and wind farm. Positive and negative impacts of TLWs on power output are observed.
Final-revised paper