Articles | Volume 8, issue 10
Research article
24 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 24 Oct 2023

Analysis and multi-objective optimisation of wind turbine torque control strategies

Livia Brandetti, Sebastiaan Paul Mulders, Yichao Liu, Simon Watson, and Jan-Willem van Wingerden

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Short summary

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Thematic area: Dynamics and control | Topic: Wind turbine control
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Cited articles

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Short summary
This research presents the additional benefits of applying an advanced combined wind speed estimator and tip-speed ratio tracking (WSE–TSR) controller compared to the baseline 2. Using a frequency-domain framework and an optimal calibration procedure, the WSE–TSR tracking control scheme shows a more flexible trade-off between conflicting objectives: power maximisation and load minimisation. Therefore, implementing this controller on large-scale wind turbines will facilitate their operation.
Final-revised paper