Articles | Volume 7, issue 6
Review article
28 Nov 2022
Review article |  | 28 Nov 2022

Scientific challenges to characterizing the wind resource in the marine atmospheric boundary layer

William J. Shaw, Larry K. Berg, Mithu Debnath, Georgios Deskos, Caroline Draxl, Virendra P. Ghate, Charlotte B. Hasager, Rao Kotamarthi, Jeffrey D. Mirocha, Paytsar Muradyan, William J. Pringle, David D. Turner, and James M. Wilczak

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Abdolali, A., Pringle, W. J., Roland, A., and Mehra, A.: Assessment of Global Wave Models on Unstructured Domains, AGU Fall Meeting I Poster Sessions, virtual, 1–17 December 2020, OS047-0001,, 2020b. 
Allaerts, D. and Meyers, J.: Boundary-layer development and gravity waves in conventionally neutral wind farms, J. Fluid. Mech., 814, 95–130,, 2017. 
Allaerts, D. and Meyers, J.: Gravity Waves and Wind-Farm Efficiency in Neutral and Stable Conditions, Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 166, 269–299,, 2018. 
Allaerts, D., Quon, E., Draxl, C., and Churchfield, M. J.: Development of a time-height profile assimilation technique for large-eddy simulation, Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 176, 329–348,, 2020. 
Short summary
This paper provides a review of prominent scientific challenges to characterizing the offshore wind resource using as examples phenomena that occur in the rapidly developing wind energy areas off the United States. The paper also describes the current state of modeling and observations in the marine atmospheric boundary layer and provides specific recommendations for filling key current knowledge gaps.
Final-revised paper