Articles | Volume 8, issue 5
Research article
04 May 2023
Research article |  | 04 May 2023

Dependence of turbulence estimations on nacelle lidar scanning strategies

Wei Fu, Alessandro Sebastiani, Alfredo Peña, and Jakob Mann

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Cited articles

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Dimitrov, N. and Natarajan, A.: Application of simulated lidar scanning patterns to constrained Gaussian turbulence fields for load validation, Wind Energy, 20, 79–95,, 2017. a, b
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Short summary
Nacelle lidars with different beam scanning locations and two types of systems are considered for inflow turbulence estimations using both numerical simulations and field measurements. The turbulence estimates from a sonic anemometer at the hub height of a Vestas V52 turbine are used as references. The turbulence parameters are retrieved using the radial variances and a least-squares procedure. The findings from numerical simulations have been verified by the analysis of the field measurements.
Final-revised paper