Articles | Volume 9, issue 8
Research article
02 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 02 Aug 2024

Impact of swell waves on atmospheric surface turbulence: wave–turbulence decomposition methods

Mostafa Bakhoday Paskyabi

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Cited articles

Ayet, A. and Chapron, B.: The Dynamical Coupling of Wind-Waves and Atmospheric Turbulence: A Review of Theoretical and Phenomenological Models, Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 183, 1–33,, 2022. a
Bakhoday-Paskyabi, M.: A wavelet-entropy based segmentation of turbulence measurements from a moored shear probe near the wavy sea surface, SN Applied Sciences, 2, 102,, 2019. a, b, c
Bakhoday Paskyabi, M.: Mean wind and stability time series at FINO1 between June and July 2015 (from OBLEX-F1), Zenodo [data set],, 2022. 
Bakhoday Paskyabi, M.: High frequency wind recored from sonic anemometers: Impact of swell waves on atmospheric surface turbulence, Zenodo [data set],, 2023. 
Bakhoday-Paskyabi, M., Fer, I., and Reuder, J.: Current and turbulence measurements at the FINO1 offshore wind energy site: analysis using 5-beam ADCPs, Ocean Dynam., 68, 109–130, 2018. a
Short summary
The exchange of momentum and energy between the atmosphere and ocean depends on air–sea processes, especially wave-related ones. Precision in representing these interactions is vital for offshore wind turbine and farm design and operation. The development of a reliable wave–turbulence decomposition method to remove wave-induced interference from single-height wind measurements is essential for these applications and enhances our grasp of wind coherence within the wave boundary layer.
Final-revised paper