Articles | Volume 9, issue 8
Research article
15 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 15 Aug 2024

Mesoscale weather systems and associated potential wind power variations in a midlatitude sea strait (Kattegat)

Jérôme Neirynck, Jonas Van de Walle, Ruben Borgers, Sebastiaan Jamaer, Johan Meyers, Ad Stoffelen, and Nicole P. M. van Lipzig

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Short summary

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Cited articles

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Allaerts, D. and Meyers, J.: Gravity waves and wind-farm efficiency in neutral and stable conditions, Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 166, 269–299, 2018. a
Batchelor, G. K.: An introduction to fluid dynamics, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0521663960, 2000. a
Short summary
In our study, we assess how mesoscale weather systems influence wind speed variations and their impact on offshore wind energy production fluctuations. We have observed, for instance, that weather systems originating over land lead to sea wind speed variations. Additionally, we noted that power fluctuations are typically more significant in summer, despite potentially larger winter wind speed variations. These findings are valuable for grid management and optimizing renewable energy deployment.
Final-revised paper