Articles | Volume 8, issue 8
Research article
16 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 16 Aug 2023

Lessons learned in coupling atmospheric models across scales for onshore and offshore wind energy

Sue Ellen Haupt, Branko Kosović, Larry K. Berg, Colleen M. Kaul, Matthew Churchfield, Jeffrey Mirocha, Dries Allaerts, Thomas Brummet, Shannon Davis, Amy DeCastro, Susan Dettling, Caroline Draxl, David John Gagne, Patrick Hawbecker, Pankaj Jha, Timothy Juliano, William Lassman, Eliot Quon, Raj K. Rai, Michael Robinson, William Shaw, and Regis Thedin

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EGUsphere,,, 2023
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Revised manuscript accepted for WES
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Cited articles

Adler, B., Wilczak, J. W., Bianco, L., Djalalova, I., Duncan Jr., J. B., and Turner, D.: Observational case study of a persistent cold pool and gap flow in the Columbia River basin, J. Appl. Meteorol. Clim., 60, 1071–1090,, 2021. 
Allaerts, D., Quon, E., Draxl, C., and Churchfield, M.: Development of a Time-Height Profile Assimilation Technique for Large-Eddy Simulation, Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 176, 329–348,, 2020. 
Allaerts, D., Quon, E., and Churchfield, M.: Using observational mean-flow data to drive large-eddy simulations of a diurnal cycle at the SWiFT site, Wind Energ., 126, 469–492,, 2023. 
Arthur, R. S., Mirocha, J. D., Lundquist, K. A., and Street, R. L.: Using a canopy model framework to improve large-eddy simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer in the Weather Research and Forecasting model, Mon. Weather Rev., 147, 31–52,, 2019. 
Arthur, R. S., Mirocha, J. D., Marjanovic, N., Hirth, B. D, Schroeder, J. L., Wharton, S., and Chow, F. K.: Multi-scale simulation of wind farm performance during a frontal passage, Atmosphere, 11, 245,, 2020. 
Short summary
The Mesoscale to Microscale Coupling team, part of the U.S. Department of Energy Atmosphere to Electrons (A2e) initiative, has studied various important challenges related to coupling mesoscale models to microscale models. Lessons learned and discerned best practices are described in the context of the cases studied for the purpose of enabling further deployment of wind energy. It also points to code, assessment tools, and data for testing the methods.
Final-revised paper