Articles | Volume 3, issue 1
Research article
14 May 2018
Research article |  | 14 May 2018

A simulation study demonstrating the importance of large-scale trailing vortices in wake steering

Paul Fleming, Jennifer Annoni, Matthew Churchfield, Luis A. Martinez-Tossas, Kenny Gruchalla, Michael Lawson, and Patrick Moriarty

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Preprint under review for WES
Short summary
Comparison of wind-farm control strategies under realistic offshore wind conditions: turbine quantities of interest
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Revised manuscript accepted for WES
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Addressing deep array effects and impacts to wake steering with the cumulative-curl wake model
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Cited articles

Annoni, J., Gebraad, P. M., Scholbrock, A. K., Fleming, P. A., and Wingerden, J.-W. v.: Analysis of axial-induction-based wind plant control using an engineering and a high-order wind plant model, Wind Energy, 19, 1135–1150, 2016. a
Annoni, J., Fleming, P., Scholbrock, A., Roadman, J., Dana, S., Adcock, C., Porte-Agel, F., Raach, S., Haizmann, F., and Schlipf, D.: Analysis of Control-Oriented Wake Modeling Tools Using Lidar Field Results, Wind Energ. Sci. Discuss.,, in review, 2018. a
Bartl, J. and Sætran, L.: Experimental testing of wind turbine wake control, International Conference on Future Technologies for Wind Energy, 24–26 October 2017, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2017. a
Bastankhah, M. and Porté-Agel, F.: A new analytical model for wind-turbine wakes, Renew. Energ., 70, 116–123, 2014. a, b, c
Bastankhah, M. and Porté-Agel, F.: Experimental and theoretical study of wind turbine wakes in yawed conditions, J. Fluid Mech., 806, 506–541, 2016. a, b, c, d, e
Short summary
This paper investigates the role of flow structures in wind farm control through yaw misalignment. A pair of counter-rotating vortices is shown to be important in deforming the shape of the wake. Further, we demonstrate that the vortex structures created in wake steering can enable a greater change power generation than currently modeled in control-oriented models. We propose that wind farm controllers can be made more effective if designed to take advantage of these effects.
Final-revised paper