Articles | Volume 9, issue 8
Research article
19 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 19 Aug 2024

Underestimation of strong wind speeds offshore in ERA5: evidence, discussion and correction

Rémi Gandoin and Jorge Garza

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Thematic area: Wind and the atmosphere | Topic: Wind and turbulence
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Short summary
ERA5 has become the workhorse of most wind resource assessment applications, as it compares better with in situ measurements than other reanalyses. However, for design purposes, ERA5 suffers from a drawback: it underestimates strong wind speeds offshore (approx. from 10 m s−1). This is not widely discussed in the scientific literature. We address this bias and proposes a simple, robust correction. This article supports the growing need for use-case-specific validations of reanalysis datasets.
Final-revised paper