Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Research article
15 Feb 2024
Research article |  | 15 Feb 2024

Hybrid-Lambda: a low-specific-rating rotor concept for offshore wind turbines

Daniel Ribnitzky, Frederik Berger, Vlaho Petrović, and Martin Kühn

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Revised manuscript accepted for WES
Short summary

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Thematic area: Wind technologies | Topic: Design concepts and methods for plants, turbines, and components
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Cited articles

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Short summary
This paper provides an innovative blade design methodology for offshore wind turbines with very large rotors compared to their rated power, which are tailored for an increased power feed-in at low wind speeds. Rather than designing the blade for a single optimized operational point, we include the application of peak shaving in the design process and introduce a design for two tip speed ratios. We describe how enlargement of the rotor diameter can be realized to improve the value of wind power.
Final-revised paper