Articles | Volume 7, issue 1
Research article
09 Feb 2022
Research article |  | 09 Feb 2022

Optimal closed-loop wake steering – Part 2: Diurnal cycle atmospheric boundary layer conditions

Michael F. Howland, Aditya S. Ghate, Jesús Bas Quesada, Juan José Pena Martínez, Wei Zhong, Felipe Palou Larrañaga, Sanjiva K. Lele, and John O. Dabiri

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Wake steering control, in which turbines are intentionally misaligned with the incident wind, has demonstrated potential to increase wind farm energy. We investigate wake steering control methods in simulations of a wind farm operating in the terrestrial diurnal cycle. We develop a statistical wind direction forecast to improve wake steering in flows with time-varying states. Closed-loop wake steering control increases wind farm energy production, compared to baseline and open-loop control.
Final-revised paper