Articles | Volume 9, issue 10
Research article
08 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 08 Oct 2024

Influences of lidar scanning parameters on wind turbine wake retrievals in complex terrain

Rachel Robey and Julie K. Lundquist

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Revised manuscript accepted for WES
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Cited articles

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Aitken, M. L., Banta, R. M., Pichugina, Y. L., and Lundquist, J. K.: Quantifying Wind Turbine Wake Characteristics from Scanning Remote Sensor Data, J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 31, 765–787,, 2014. a, b, c
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Short summary
Measurements of wind turbine wakes with scanning lidar instruments contain complex errors. We model lidars in a simulated environment to understand how and why the measured wake may differ from the true wake and validate the results with observational data. The lidar smooths out the wake, making it seem more spread out and the slowdown of the winds less pronounced. Our findings provide insights into best practices for accurately measuring wakes with lidar and interpreting observational data.
Final-revised paper