Articles | Volume 9, issue 8
Research article
02 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 02 Aug 2024

Experimental analysis of a horizontal-axis wind turbine with swept blades using PIV data

Erik Fritz, Koen Boorsma, and Carlos Ferreira

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Related subject area

Thematic area: Fluid mechanics | Topic: Wind turbine aerodynamics
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On optimizing the sensor spacing for pressure measurements on wind turbine airfoils
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Aerodynamic characterisation of a thrust-scaled IEA 15 MW wind turbine model: experimental insights using PIV data
Erik Fritz, André Ribeiro, Koen Boorsma, and Carlos Ferreira
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Cited articles

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Short summary
This study presents results from a wind tunnel experiment on a model wind turbine with swept blades, thus blades curved in the rotor plane. Using a non-intrusive measurement technique, the flow around the turbine blades was measured from which blade-level aerodynamics are derived in post-processing. The detailed experimental database gives insight into swept-blade aerodynamics and has great value in validating numerical tools, which aim at simulating swept wind turbine blades.
Final-revised paper