Articles | Volume 6, issue 4
Research article
07 Jul 2021
Research article |  | 07 Jul 2021

Aeroelastic loads on a 10 MW turbine exposed to extreme events selected from a year-long large-eddy simulation over the North Sea

Gerard Schepers, Pim van Dorp, Remco Verzijlbergh, Peter Baas, and Harmen Jonker

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Cited articles

Baas, P., Bosveld, F. C., Klein Baltink, H., and Holtslag, A. A. M.: A climatology of nocturnal low-level jets at Cabauw, J. Appl. Meteorol. Clim., 48, 1627–1642, 2009. 
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Boorsma, K., Chasapogianis, P., Manolas, D., Stettner, M., and Reijerkerk, M.: Comparison of models with respect to fatigue load analysis of the INNWIND.EU and the AVATAR RWT, Deliverable D4.6 of the EU project AVATAR, TNO Energy Transition, Petten, the Netherlands, 2016. 
Boorsma, K., Wenz, F., Aman, M., Lindenburg, C., and Kloosterman, M.: TKI WOZ VortexLoads final report, TNO 2019 R11388, TNO Energy Transition, Petten, the Netherlands, 2019. 
Duncan, J.: Observational Analyses of the North Sea low-level jet, TNO R11428, TNO Energy Transition, Petten, the Netherlands, 2018. 
Short summary
In this article the aeroelastic loads on a 10 MW turbine in response to unconventional wind conditions selected from a year-long large-eddy simulation on a site at the North Sea are evaluated. Thereto an assessment is made of the practical importance of these wind conditions within an aeroelastic context based on high-fidelity wind modelling. Moreover the accuracy of BEM-based methods for modelling such wind conditions is assessed.
Final-revised paper