Articles | Volume 2, issue 1
Research article
23 May 2017
Research article |  | 23 May 2017

Lidar-based wake tracking for closed-loop wind farm control

Steffen Raach, David Schlipf, and Po Wen Cheng

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Publication in WES not foreseen
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Cited articles

Boersma, S., Doekemeijer, B., Gebraad, P., Fleming, P., Annoni, J., Scholbrock, A., Frederik, J., and van Wingerden, J.-W.: A Tutorial on Control-Oriented Modeling and Control of Wind Farms, in: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), Seattle, USA, 2017.
Borisade, F., Luhmann, B., Raach, S., and Cheng, P. W.: Shadow Effects in an Offshore Wind Farm – Potential of Vortex Methods for Wake Modelling, in: Proceedings of the German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK, Bremen, Germany, 2015.
Churchfield, M. and Lee, S.: NWTC design codes-SOWFA, available at: (last access: 15 May 2017), 2012.
Doubrawa, P., Barthelmie, R. J., Wang, H., and Churchfield, M. J.: A stochastic wind turbine wake model based on new metrics for wake characterization, Wind Energy, 20, 449–463,, 2017.
Fleming, P., Gebraad, P. M., Lee, S., Wingerden, J.-W., Johnson, K., Churchfield, M., Michalakes, J., Spalart, P., and Moriarty, P.: Simulation comparison of wake mitigation control strategies for a two-turbine case, Wind Energy, 18, 2135–2143, 2014a.
Short summary
This work provides a possible solution to closed-loop flow control in a wind farm. The remote sensing technology, lidar, which is a laser-based measurement system, is used to obtain wind speed information behind a wind turbine. The measurements are processed using a model-based approach to estimate position information of the wake. The information is then used in a controller to redirect the wake to the desired position. Altogether, the concept aims to increase the power output of a wind farm.
Final-revised paper