Articles | Volume 3, issue 1
Research article
06 Mar 2018
Research article |  | 06 Mar 2018

A control-oriented dynamic wind farm model: WFSim

Sjoerd Boersma, Bart Doekemeijer, Mehdi Vali, Johan Meyers, and Jan-Willem van Wingerden

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Cited articles

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Barthelmie, R., Frandsen, S., Hansen, K., Schepers, J., Rados, K., Schlez, W., Neubert, A., Jensen, L., and Neckelmann, S.: Modelling the impact of wakes on power output at Nysted and Horns rev, European Wind Energy Conference, 2009.
Boersma, S., Gebraad, P. M. O., Vali, M., Doekemeijer, B. M., and van Wingerden, J. W.: A control-oriented dynamic wind farm flow model: “WFSim”, J. Phys. Conf. Ser.,, 2016a.
Short summary
Controlling the flow within wind farms to reduce the fatigue loads and provide grid facilities such as the delivery of a demanded power is a challenging control problem due to the underlying time-varying non-linear wake dynamics. In this paper, a control-oriented dynamical wind farm model is presented and validated with high-fidelity wind farm models. In contrast to the latter models, the model presented in this work is computationally efficient and hence suitable for online wind farm control.
Final-revised paper