Articles | Volume 6, issue 6
Research article
15 Nov 2021
Research article |  | 15 Nov 2021

On the effects of inter-farm interactions at the offshore wind farm Alpha Ventus

Vasilis Pettas, Matthias Kretschmer, Andrew Clifton, and Po Wen Cheng

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Cited articles

Ahsbahs, T., Nygaard, N. G., Newcombe, A., and Badger, M.: Wind Farm Wakes from SAR and Doppler Radar, Remote Sens.-Basel, 12, 462,, 2020. a
Alpha Ventus: Alpha Ventus homepage, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, available at:, last access: 1 December 2020. a
Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH): RAVE Database by BSH, available at:, last access: 1 December 2020a. a, b
Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH): BSH data, available at:, last access: 1 December 2020b. a
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Short summary
This study aims to quantify the effect of inter-farm interactions based on long-term measurement data from the Alpha Ventus (AV) wind farm and the nearby FINO1 platform. AV was initially the only operating farm in the area, but in subsequent years several farms were built around it. This setup allows us to quantify the farm wake effects on the microclimate of AV and also on turbine loads and operational characteristics depending on the distance and size of the neighboring farms.
Final-revised paper