Articles | Volume 1, issue 1
Research article
20 May 2016
Research article |  | 20 May 2016

Comparison of OpenFOAM and EllipSys3D for neutral atmospheric flow over complex terrain

Dalibor Cavar, Pierre-Elouan Réthoré, Andreas Bechmann, Niels N. Sørensen, Benjamin Martinez, Frederik Zahle, Jacob Berg, and Mark C. Kelly

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Cited articles

Bechmann, A. and Sørensen, N.: Hybrid RANS/LES Method for Wind Flow over Complex Terrain, Wind Energy, 13, 36–50,, 2010.
Bechmann, A. and Sorensen, N. N.: Hybrid RANS/LES applied to complex terrain, Wind Energy, 14, 225–237,, 2011.
Bechmann, A., Sørensen, N. N., Berg, J., Mann, J., and Réthoré, P.-E.: The Bolund Experiment, Part II: Blind Comparison of Microscale Flow Models, Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 141, 245–271,, 2011.
Berg, J., Mann, J., Bechmann, A., Courtney, M. S., and Jørgensen, H. E.: The Bolund Experiment, Part I: Flow Over a Steep, Three-Dimensional Hill, Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 141, 219–243,, 2011.
Blocken, B., Stathopoulos, T., and Carmeliet, J.: CFD simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer: wall function problems, Atmos. Environ., 41, 238–252,, 2007.
Short summary
Feasibility of a freely available CFD tool, OpenFOAM, in calculating flows of general relevance to the wind industry is investigated by comparing several aspects of its performance to a well-established in-house EllipSys3D solver. The comparison is focused on CFD solver demands regarding grid generation process and computational time. The quality and accuracy of the achieved results are investigated by conducting the computations using identical/similar solver parameters and numerical setups..
Final-revised paper