Articles | Volume 5, issue 4
Research article
03 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 03 Nov 2020

Minute-scale power forecast of offshore wind turbines using long-range single-Doppler lidar measurements

Frauke Theuer, Marijn Floris van Dooren, Lueder von Bremen, and Martin Kühn

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Cited articles

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Bromm, M., Rott, A., Beck, H., Vollmer, L., Steinfeld, G., and Kühn, M.: Field investigation on the influence of yaw misalignment on the propagation of wind turbine wakes, Wind Energy, 21, 1011–1028,, 2018. a
Short summary
Very short-term wind power forecasts are gaining increasing importance with the rising share of renewables in today's energy system. In this work, we developed a methodology to forecast wind power of offshore wind turbines on minute scales utilising long-range single-Doppler lidar measurements. The model was able to outperform persistence during unstable stratification in terms of deterministic and probabilistic scores, while it showed large shortcomings for stable atmospheric conditions.
Final-revised paper