Articles | Volume 3, issue 1
Research article
13 Apr 2018
Research article |  | 13 Apr 2018

Assessment of wind turbine component loads under yaw-offset conditions

Rick Damiani, Scott Dana, Jennifer Annoni, Paul Fleming, Jason Roadman, Jeroen van Dam, and Katherine Dykes

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Cited articles

Annoni, J., Gebraad, P., Scholbrock, A., Fleming, P., and Van Wingerden, J.: Analysis of axial-induction-based wind plant control using an engineering and a high-order wind plant model, Wind Energy, 19, 1135–1150, 2016.
Bakhshi, R. and Sandborn, P.: The Effects of Yaw Error on Reliability of Wind Turbine Blades, in: PowerEnergy2016, ASME, Charlotte, NC, 2016.
Boorsma, K.: Power and loads for wind turbines in yawed conditions – Analysis of field measurements and aerodynamic predictions, Tech. Rep. ECN-E–12-047, Energy Research Center of the Netherlands, the Netherlands, 2012.
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Damiani, R., Hayman, G., and Jonkman, J.: Development and Validation of a New Unsteady Airfoil Aerodynamics Model Within AeroDyn, in: 34th Wind Energy Symposium–SciTech 2016, AIAA, San Diego, CA, 2016.
Short summary
The paper discusses load effects on wind turbines operating under misaligned-flow operations, which is part of a strategy to optimize wind-power-plant power production, where upwind turbines can be rotated off the wind axis to redirect their wakes. Analytical simplification, aeroelastic simulations, and field data from an instrumented turbine are compared and interpreted to provide an informed picture on the loads for various components.
Final-revised paper