Articles | Volume 7, issue 5
Research article
10 Oct 2022
Research article |  | 10 Oct 2022

Atmospheric rotating rig testing of a swept blade tip and comparison with multi-fidelity aeroelastic simulations

Thanasis Barlas, Georg Raimund Pirrung, Néstor Ramos-García, Sergio González Horcas, Ang Li, and Helge Aagaard Madsen

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Grand challenges in the design, manufacture, and operation of future wind turbine systems
Paul Veers, Carlo L. Bottasso, Lance Manuel, Jonathan Naughton, Lucy Pao, Joshua Paquette, Amy Robertson, Michael Robinson, Shreyas Ananthan, Thanasis Barlas, Alessandro Bianchini, Henrik Bredmose, Sergio González Horcas, Jonathan Keller, Helge Aagaard Madsen, James Manwell, Patrick Moriarty, Stephen Nolet, and Jennifer Rinker
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CFD-based curved tip shape design for wind turbine blades
Mads H. Aa. Madsen, Frederik Zahle, Sergio González Horcas, Thanasis K. Barlas, and Niels N. Sørensen
Wind Energ. Sci., 7, 1471–1501,,, 2022
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Wind tunnel testing of a swept tip shape and comparison with multi-fidelity aerodynamic simulations
Thanasis Barlas, Georg Raimund Pirrung, Néstor Ramos-García, Sergio González Horcas, Robert Flemming Mikkelsen, Anders Smærup Olsen, and Mac Gaunaa
Wind Energ. Sci., 6, 1311–1324,,, 2021
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Surrogate-based aeroelastic design optimization of tip extensions on a modern 10 MW wind turbine
Thanasis Barlas, Néstor Ramos-García, Georg Raimund Pirrung, and Sergio González Horcas
Wind Energ. Sci., 6, 491–504,,, 2021
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Related subject area

Thematic area: Fluid mechanics | Topic: Wind turbine aerodynamics
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Cited articles

Ai, Q., Weaver, P. M., Barlas, A., Olsen, A. S., Madsen, H. A., and Løgstrup Andersen, T.: Field testing of morphing flaps on a wind turbine blade using an outdoor rotating rig, Renew. Energy, 133, 53–65,, 2019. a, b
Andersen, P., Gaunaa, M., Zahle, F., and Madsen, H. A.: A near wake model with far wake effects implemented in a multi body aero-servo-elastic code, in: European Wind Energy Conference And Exhibition 2010, EWEC 2010, 20–23 April 2010, Warsaw, Poland, 387–431, 2010. a
Barlas, T., Ramos-García, N., Pirrung, G. R., and Horcas, S. G.: Surrogate based aeroelastic design optimization of tip extensions on a modern 10 MW wind turbine, Wind Energ. Science, 6, 491–504,, 2021a. a, b
Barlas, T., Pirrung, G. R., Ramos-García, N., Horcas, S. G., Mikkelsen, R. F., Olsen, A. S., and Gaunaa, M.: Wind tunnel testing of a swept tip shape and comparison with multi-fidelity aerodynamic simulations, Wind Energ. Sci., 6, 1311–1324,, 2021b. a, b, c, d, e, f
Bertagnolio, F., Sørensen, N. N., Johansen, J., and Fuglsang, P.: Wind turbine airfoil catalogue, Risoe-R No. 1280(EN), Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, ISBN 87-550-2910-8, 2001. a
Short summary
An aeroelastically optimized curved wind turbine blade tip is designed, manufactured, and tested on a novel outdoor rotating rig facility at the Risø campus of the Technical University of Denmark. Detailed aerodynamic measurements for various atmospheric conditions and results are compared to a series of in-house aeroelastic tools with a range of fidelities in aerodynamic modeling. The comparison highlights details in the ability of the codes to predict the performance of such a curved tip.
Final-revised paper