Articles | Volume 3, issue 1
Research article
16 May 2018
Research article |  | 16 May 2018

Wind tunnel experiments on wind turbine wakes in yaw: redefining the wake width

Jannik Schottler, Jan Bartl, Franz Mühle, Lars Sætran, Joachim Peinke, and Michael Hölling

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Wind tunnel experiments on wind turbine wakes in yaw: effects of inflow turbulence and shear
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Wind Energ. Sci., 3, 329–343,,, 2018
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On the impact of non-Gaussian wind statistics on wind turbines – an experimental approach
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Cited articles

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Bartl, J. and Sætran, L.: Blind test comparison of the performance and wake flow between two in-line wind turbines exposed to different turbulent inflow conditions, Wind Energ. Sci., 2, 55–76,, 2017. a
Short summary
In this work, the wake flows behind two different model wind turbines were investigated in wind tunnel experiments user laser Doppler anemometry. It was found that the width of the wake flow is significantly dependent on the quantities examined, becoming much wider when taking higher-order statistics into account. This effect is stable against yaw misalignment and thus affects not only wind farm layout optimizations but also the applicability of active wake steering methods.
Final-revised paper