Articles | Volume 6, issue 3
Research article
06 May 2021
Research article |  | 06 May 2021

Wind turbines in atmospheric flow: fluid–structure interaction simulations with hybrid turbulence modeling

Christian Grinderslev, Niels Nørmark Sørensen, Sergio González Horcas, Niels Troldborg, and Frederik Zahle

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Progress in the validation of rotor aerodynamic codes using field data
Koen Boorsma, Gerard Schepers, Helge Aagard Madsen, Georg Pirrung, Niels Sørensen, Galih Bangga, Manfred Imiela, Christian Grinderslev, Alexander Meyer Forsting, Wen Zhong Shen, Alessandro Croce, Stefano Cacciola, Alois Peter Schaffarczyk, Brandon Lobo, Frederic Blondel, Philippe Gilbert, Ronan Boisard, Leo Höning, Luca Greco, Claudio Testa, Emmanuel Branlard, Jason Jonkman, and Ganesh Vijayakumar
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Investigations of aerodynamic drag forces during structural blade testing using high-fidelity fluid–structure interaction
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Cited articles

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Bak, C., Troldborg, N., and Madsen, H.: DAN-AERO MW: Measured airfoil characteristics for a MW rotor in atmospheric conditions, in: Scientific Proceedings, European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), 4–17 March 2011, 171–175, available at: (last access: 3 May 2021), 2011. a
Bak, C., Madsen, H., Troldborg, N., and Wedel-Heinen, J.: DANAERO MW: Data for the NM80 turbine at Tjæreborg Enge for aeroelastic evaluation, Tech. rep., Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, 2013. a
Bechmann, A., Sørensen, N., and Zahle, F.: CFD simulations of the MEXICO rotor, Wind Energy, 14, 677–689, 2011. a
Short summary
This study investigates aero-elasticity of wind turbines present in the turbulent and chaotic wind flow of the lower atmosphere, using fluid–structure interaction simulations. This method combines structural response computations with high-fidelity modeling of the turbulent wind flow, using a novel turbulence model which combines the capabilities of large-eddy simulations for atmospheric flows with improved delayed detached eddy simulations for the separated flow near the rotor.
Final-revised paper